Learn About Us
Find out how you can spend more time providing quality care and less time on paperwork and business administration.
Mission Statement
Comprehensive Childcare Solution's mission is to help its clients improve their quality of care by:
Improving Operational Efficiency - Child care centers and Head Starts are not large organizations and as such center directors and other supervisory staff members must "wear many hats." These competing demands prevent staff from developing true proficiency in administrative tasks. CCS shoulders the burden of many of these administrative processes so that center employees can focus their energy and talents on activities better suited to their skills and experience such as caring for children and guiding their intellectual, social and physical development.
Reducing the Administrative Burdens Associated with Federal and State Supplemental Revenue Programs - Most centers that serve low income communities rely on supplemental revenue programs to meet their financial obligations. Unfortunately, the price that must be paid for these dollars is paperwork. Lot's of paperwork. Software vendors claim that their products can help but they tend to be just as complicated and confusing. Only services and tools from CCS can reduce the administrative burden associated with these programs because they were specifically designed with that goal in mind.
Providing Staff Development, Education and Training - Child care center and Head Start directors are experts in one field: the care and development of children. Expecting these same individuals to also provide expertise and training in food safety, sanitation, USDA nutrition guidelines, CACFP regulations and other non-critical operational areas is absurd. CCS ensures that all staff members acquire and maintain the requisite knowledge to perform their job functions in accordance with all applicable regulations. More importantly, center and Head Start staff have ready access to experts in the above areas if any circumstance occurs that might require deeper knowledge then what is necessary to handle day-to-day responsibilities.
Developing Innovative Software Solutions that Enhance Security, Improve Data Accuracy and Save Valuable Time - CCS possesses broad experience in all areas of childcare center and Head Start operations from business administration to education and development to regulatory compliance. This knowledge guides the development of truly innovative process and technology solutions that enable long-term performance improvement and ensure consistent State and Federal regulatory compliance.