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Comprehensive Childcare Solutionsintelligent solutions for childcare management

Learn About Us

Find out how you can spend more time providing quality care and less time on paperwork and business administration.

Company History

Headquartered in Mesa, Arizona, Comprehensive Childcare Solutions (CCS) is the nation's only provider of business process outsourcing services (BPO) specializing in child care centers and Head Starts. Founded in 2003, CCS started out contracting CACFP audits for State Agencies in Arizona, Louisiana, Oregon and Washington, D.C. At the completion of one of these engagements, a center inquired about the availability of services that might help them avoid future seriously deficient findings. After an exhaustive search uncovered no such services, CCS let its contracts with the State Agencies expire and launched its Assurance and Advisory Services Group. This precipitated the formation of a partnership in October 2004 with Geoffrey Rohrbacher, a management consulting veteran with several years of federal food program experience.

Working closely with CCS’s founding partner, Mr. Rohrbacher developed a comprehensive portfolio of services and tools specifically designed to maximize each center's supplemental revenue while significantly reducing the administrative burden associated with these programs. The introduction of these services and tools was so successful that within a few months CCS stopped accepting new clients. However, continued inquiries from struggling centers, prompted CCS to seek a technological solution that might enable CCS to expand its client list and rescue those centers desperate for a comprehensive solution to their administrative and paperwork burdens.

Initial efforts by CCS to find a technology solution were focused on forming a partnership with an established software provider with experience in child care center and Head Start operations. Unfortunately, no one was willing to modify their software to target a smaller segment of the overall market (centers participating in Federal supplemental revenue programs and Head Starts) even if that product would be better suited for facilities serving lower income clientele. Unable to find a suitable technology partner, CCS made the decision to develop their own technology platform, one designed to meet the specific needs of CCS clients. In order to accomplish this monumental task, CCS expanded their partnership in May 2005 to include Philip Rohrbacher, a computer programmer with over a decade of experience in software and database development. With the final piece of the partnership puzzle in place, CCS was able to complete development of its innovative new technology solution: BioWatch. CCS launched Biowatch in December 2006 and followed this success up with OPRA (CCS's Online Production Record Assistant) in January 2007, ushering in a new age in child care and Head Start management.